[1] The seuen and twentith of Maie, proclamation was made, that all maner of furniture and apparell, apperteining to ships within the garrison, hauen, or rode of the towne of Newhauen, should be brought in: or a note to be giuen therof in writing to the lord lieutenant and councell there, before twelue of the clocke the next day.The Rein|graue with his forces. Saturdaie the two and twentith of Maie, about one of the clocke in the morning, the Reingraue with fiue hundred horsmen, and twen|tie two ensignes of footmen, came downe to the vil|lage called Lheure, neere vnto the new fort, which by order of the lord lieutenant was latelie before be|gun to be built, sir Iohn Portinarie being chiefe deuiser of the fortifications about the same. The eni|mies meaning was, to haue taken the same fort by a sudden assault: but the English scouts looking well to their charge, gaue intelligence to the lord lieute|nant thereof, who incontinentlie going to the bul|worke roiall, set out by the posterne capteine Iohn Ward with his hundred souldiers, and capteine Parkinson with his hundred, to passe to the fort, there to be an aid and defense to them that laie in the same.