[1] The seauenth of Maie, proclamation was made for the auoiding of all such,A proclama|tion for auoi|ding. whome the former pro|clamations had in anie wise touched, for their depar|ture foorth of the towne, that they should depart by tuesdaie next (the ministers of the church excepted) and that none should enter into the towne,Ministers excepted. of what condition or estate soeuer he should be, without li|cence of the lord lieutenant, except he were a bur|gesse of the towne, and of the number of those that had their names inrolled, as by the rols lastlie made it might appeare, on paine to be apprehended as good and lawfull prisoners.Places for|bidden by pro|clamation to be resorted vnto. The twelfe of Maie it was prohibited by proclamation to all burgesses, inhabi|tants, and others, not to go vnto Harflue, or Mon|treuilliers, or elsewhere out of sight of the towne of Newhauen, on paine to be taken as lawfull priso|ners. The fifteenth of Maie, a marriner of the great gallie suffered in the market place of Newhauen, for robbing and pilfering of ships there in the hauen, and thrée other that were condemned for the like of|fense had their pardons.Execution for pilfering.