[1] A proclama|tion to be pac|king out of Newhauen.The eight and twentith of Aprill, proclamation was made, that all the papists, and the wiues and children of all them that were departed foorth of Newhauen, and made their abode at that present in Monstreuilliers, Harflue, or elsewhere abroad in the countrie, and likewise all other, whome the last pro|clamation for their auoiding out of the towne in a|nie wise touched, should depart on saturdaie then next insuing, on paine to haue their bodies arrested as prisoners, and their goods to be confiscate. Other articles were conteined in the same proclamation, as well for the forreners that should come foorth of the countrie to the market, as for the behauiour and demeanor of the French inhabitants of the towne, with promise of reward to such as should discouer and apprehend anie espiall, either dwelling in the towne, or comming and going to or from it. The first of Maie, Garter principall king of armes ar|riued at Newhauen,Garter king of armes brin|geth the gar|ter to the lord lieutenant. bringing with him the garter to the lord lieutenant, chosen on S. Georges daie last past to be one of the confréers of that most honora|ble order. The fourth of Maie proclamation was made, that all the French burgesses & others should bring and deliuer all their armour and weapon into the towne hall of Newhauen, which commandement was incontinentlie obeied and accomplished.