[1] [2] [3] Prouided, that no person seizing vpon the bodie of anie such offendor, should by vertue or colour ther|of spoile anie of their houses, meddle with their goods or mooueables, without order and meane of iu|stice vpon paine of death. On the sundaie yet being the eight and twentith of March,Another pro|clamation in the behalfe of strangers. another proclama|tion was made, to giue respit to the said strangers, forreners, and French souldiers, vntill foure of the clocke in the afternoone of the same daie. And fur|ther there was another proclamation published this sundaie, that none should seize vpon anie of those strangers, forreners, or French souldiers, by colour of the two former proclamations, vntill the lord lieutenants pleasure should more fullie be knowen therein.