[1] [2] A proclama| [...]on vpon [...] of death.The twelfe of March proclamation was made in name of the lord lieutenant, that no souldier should draw weapon to doo hurt therewith vnto anie of the French within the towne of Newhauen, or limits of the same, nor to molest them, nor to spoile nor take anie thing violentlie awaie from anie of them, nor to breake downe their houses, nor to carrie awaie their timber on paine of death.A proclama| [...]n in the Frẽch kings [...]. There was also a proclamation made in the name of the king & adme|rall, that no capteine, burgesse, souldier, mariner, or other of the French nation within the towne or without, should draw anie weapon, nor picke anie quarrell, nor vse anie iniurious words against anie man to mooue them to wrath, speciallie against the Englishmen on paine of death: nor that anie bur|gesse or inhabitant, of what qualitie or condition so|euer, except capteins, gentlemen, and souldiers, re|ceiuing paie, should beare anie weapon on the like paine.