[1] The canon [...] to the [...]stell of [...]ndue.The canon which came from Newhauen was immediatlie planted, and about ten of the clocke in the forenoone it was shot off, and after it had beene six times discharged, they within began to parlée, and in the end they agréed to yéeld vp the castell vnto monsieur de Mouie, [...] yéelded. with condition, that their soul|diers and men of warre might depart onelie with their rapiers and daggers, leauing all the residue of their mooueables behind them. And according to this capitulation, capteine Lion with his hundred souldiers, and capteine Nicholas with his hundred, and fiftie other souldiers which were within depar|ted, and left the castell vnto monsieur de Mouie, whereby his souldiers, as well English as others, gained greatlie by the spoile.