[1] [2] [3] On the saturdaie following,A great tem|pest in Lei|cester. the twelfe daie after Christmasse, being the ninth of Ianuarie, a great tempest of wind and thunder happened in the towne of Leicester, which vncouered two and fortie baies of houses, and ouerthrew manie, renting and tearing them in péeces, in a strange and maruellous maner. The people that were assembled that daie in the mar|ket place to buie and sell their vsuall chafer, wares, and commodities, were sore amazed and astonied with the hidiousnesse of that most outragious & vio|lent tempest. On thursdaie the 14 of Ianuarie at one of the clocke in the morning, there issued forth of Newhauen thréescore horssemen, and a thousand foot|men, all English; & comming to Mondeuille, where the Reingraue laie, gaue to them within an alarum,An alarum giuen to Mondeuille. but neither the Reisters, nor the Almane footmen, nor French that were within that towne would come foorth: and therefore after the Englishmen had tarri|ed there the space of foure houres, they returned backe againe to Newhauen.