Snippet: 155 of 389 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1198)
[5] On the twelfe of
December, at ten of the clocke in the morning, the earle of Warwike,
monsieur de Beauuois, and monsieur de Bricquemault, with all their horssemen
& thrée thousand footmen, passed foorth of Newhauen vnto
A skirmish [...] Har|flue.
The French [...] beaten [...] Harflue.
out of which towne there issued seauen hundred Reisters of the
retinue of the counte Reingraue, and thrée hundred footmen, who fell in
skirmish with the French and Englishmen verie hotlie: but at length the
Eng|lishmen draue them to the verie gates of Harflue, and slue them euen at the same gates, and vpon the walles
of the towne; insomuch that they were con|streined to shut their gates, and
off went the ordi|nance from the gates and bulworks, discharging bullets
amongst the English soldiors freelie. But yet there were not slaine past
seuen of the English part, albeit diuerse were hurt and wounded, &
amongst o|ther was monsieur de Beauuois shot into the side of the necke
through his gorget;Monsieur Beauuois & [...] Ant|wisell hurt. and capteine Antwi|sell through the arme.
Moreouer, whereas they car|ried foorth with them foure barrels of gunpowder
to mainteine the skirmish, through
negligence by set|ting fire in the same, there were to the number of twentie
gréeuouslie burned. Of the enimies were slaine that daie aboue thirtie, and
hurt aboue fiftie, Manie of their horsses were also slaine in this
skir|mish, which continued aboue thrée houres. As the Englishmen were
returning backe, the Reingraue with two hundred horsses, and a certeine
number of footmen, was laid fast by in an ambush, thinking to haue cut off
part of their men: but he failed of his
purpose. For the lord lieutenant marching with his men in battell araie,
brought them home in safetie, without other impeachment. The seauentéenth of
December, the counte Montgomerie, and sir Hugh Paulet arriued at Newhauen in
one of the queenes ships called the Aid.