[1] Moreouer, where as well diuerse prentises, as other Englishmen were come ouer, since the pla|cing of the garrison in that towne of Newhauen, not offering their seruice anie waie, other than by stragling abroad to séeke pillage, whereby they fell oftentimes into the hands of the enimies, both to the dishonor of their countrie, & losse of their owne liues. For reformation hereof proclamation was made the last of Nouember,A proclama|tion for the as|sembl [...]ng of souldiors at same Addres|ses. that all Englishmen within the said towne, aboue the age of sixteene yeares, and vnder thrée score, being not reteined in the queens maiesties paie, should at one of the clocke that pre|sent daie repaire to the bulworke called the bul|worke of saint Addresses, there to present his name & person to the [...]omptrollor, that order might be taken how to emploie them in some certeintie of seruice, vpon paine to euerie one failing hereof to suffer ten daies imprisonment, & also to be banished the towne.