[1] [2] [3] [4] The seuenth of Nouember, a proclamation was made by Blewmantell, concerning orders taken and passed by the lord lieutenant,A proclama|tion for har|quebut shot. that no English|man nor Frenchman should shoot off anie harque|buse within the towne; nor that anie Frenchman, except monsieur Beauuois, or monsieur Bricque|mault, or their companies, should be out of their lodgings after nine of the clocke at night till the next morning on paine of death: except in cases of ala|rums.An alarum vpon occasion of fier made by the papists. The twelfe of Nouember, about six of the clocke at night, one of the mils without the gate was set on fire by some of the papists (as was thought) whereof rose a great alarum. The thir|téenth of Nouember, the Reingraue was seene on the north hils of the towne, with foure score horsse|men: wherevpon the Scotish horssemen, and thrée bands of footmen issued out, marching vp towards the same hils, in hope to méet with their enimies, but they were retired towards Mondeuille, and so nothing was doone. It was reported for a certeine truth, that the duke Daumale was there at that pre|sent with the Reingraue.