[1] The eleuenth of Nouember,A proclama|tion for good orders to be kept by the souldiors. a proclamation was made in the name of the lord lieutenant, by the of|ficer at armes Blewmantell, as well for good orders to be kept by the souldiors against the French inha|bitants of the towne, & reforming of certeine grée|uances, whereof the French had made complaint: as also for their comming to church to heare com|mon praier and preaching at due times, for the auoi|ding of vnlawfull games, whordome, wicked othes, and other blasphemies; and likewise concerning di|uerse other good orders to be obserued, and disorders to be eschewed, as was thought necessarie to giue warning of, with condigne paines appointed for pu|nishment of such as should transgresse in the same.