[1] [2] [3] [4] The counte Montgomerie and monsieur Beau|uois had some talke also with the Reingraue, casting out bitter and sharpe words in reproofe of the duke of Guise, and others that were of his faction. The Reingraue comming backe to his armie the same afternoone, forraied all the countrie, and droue awaie the most part of all the cattell that they might meet with: and comming to the church of Hauteuille, where an hundred and fiftie of Montgo|meries band laie, they skirmished with them, and in the end Montgomeries souldiors were forced to re|tire, and abandon the place, leauing it to the eni|mies; and comming awaie, withdrew the same night into Newhauen. The Almans the same euening, diuiding their armie into two parts, the one halfe of them went and lodged at Mondeuille, and the other halfe at Harflue. The morrow after, the Frenchmen that had abandoned the church of Hauteuille the night before, went thither againe,The church of Hauteuille recouered. tooke and kept it against the enimies, in like man|ner as they held it before.