[1] Whilest the quéenes maiestie therefore did thus trauell in respect of the suertie which hir grace bare to hir welbeloued brother the said king, and to the commoditie and quietnesse of both the factions, an open iniurie was offered to hir maiestie: so as it might appeare what minds they bare towards hir, that had thus excluded and refused all offers & means to grow to some good and indifferent conclusion of peace.Ships of Lõ|don, Excester, & Falmouth, spoiled by the French in Britaine, the thirtith of Iulie, and ninetéenth of August. For whereas manie merchants, as well of London as of Excester, and other the west parts of hir realme, were soiourning for cause of traffike, in diuerse ports and hauens of Britaine; and hauing dispatched their businesse, and got their lading aboord, their ships were readie to hoise vp sailes, and to re|turne each one towards the place from whence hée came, they were suddenlie arested, their goods seized vpon, and they themselues cast in prison: and some that in reuenge of such offered iniurie attempted to make resistance, were cruellie slaine, their ships con|ueied awaie, their goods confiscat, without other pre|tense, but onelie that it was said to them that they were Huguenots. Neither was this doone by priuat persons, but by open violence of the gouernors & ma|gistrats of those places where the same disorder was executed: so that it appeared from whence they had their commission to vse such wrongfull dealing, and how farre the same would extend, if they might once haue time and occasion to accomplish their purposed intentions.