[1] [2] [3] Anno Reg. 4.This yeare in England were manie monstruous births. In March a mare brought foorth a foale with one bodie and two heads,Monstruous births in di|uerse places of England. and as it were a long taile growing out betweene the two heads. Also a sow fa|rowed a pig with foure legs like to the armes of a manchild with armes and fingers, &c. In Aprill a sow farrowed a pig with two bodies, eight féet, and but one head: manie calues and lambs were monstru|ous, some with collars of skin growing about their necks, like to the double ruffes of shirts and necker|chers then vsed. The foure and twentith of Maie, a manchild was borne at Chichester in Sussex, the head armes, & legs whereof were like to an anatomie, the breast and bellie monstruous big, from the nauill as it were a long string hanging: about the necke a great collar of flesh and skin growing like the ruffe of a shirt or neckercher, comming vp aboue the eares pleited and folded, &c.