[1] [2] This yeare was chosen lord maior of London a worthie citizen named William Harper,Fréeschoole in Bedford towne foun|ded by Wil|liam Harper maior of Lon|don elect. one of the companie of the merchant tailors. This man wish|ing in his life time to benefit his countrie, founded a free schoole in the towne of Bedford where he was borne, and now lieth buried, prouiding a competent stipend and liuing for a scholemaister, there to traine vp and instruct children in vertue and learning for|euer. The fiftéenth of Nouember, the quéenes ma|iestie published a proclamation, wherein she restored to the realme diuerse small péeces of siluer monie,New coines of small péeces as six pence, &c. as the peece of six pence, foure pence, thrée pence, two pence, and a penie, three halfe pence, and thrée far|things. She also forbad all forren coines to be cur|rant within the same realme, as well gold as siluer, calling them to hir maiesties mints, except two sorts of crownes of gold, the one the French crowne, the other the Flemmish crowne. ¶Thus did hir maiestie in all hir actions directed to common vtilitie shoot at a certeine perfection, purenesse, and soundnesse, as here in hir new stamps and coines of all sorts; so also in Gods religion, setting the materiall churches of hir dominions frée from all popish trash: which one hath aptlie noted by waie of comparison, saieng:
Eiectis paleis purgatur vt area multoVsque laborantis serui sudore, reuulsisVt nitet ampla domus, quas struxit aranea telisSic priùs idolis confractis, templa fricanturCuncta scopis, quicquid fuit, abradentibus vncisDentibus obscoenum, spurcum, verbóue repugnansSacro, relligióque erectis cultior ibat[page 1195] Iam pedibus, Christúsque Dei cognoscitur agnus,Offensas delens mundi, peccatáque tollen [...]Vaenalis populo non indulgentia papae.]