[1] The quéenes maiestie by the aduise of hir most ho|norable councell, meaning to abolish all corrupt, base, and copper monies then currant in this realme of England, coined in the times and reignes of king Henrie the eight, and king Edward the sixt, to the great hinderance and decaie of the commonwealth of this realme, and therewith to restore vnto all hir subiects fine and pure sterling monies, both of gold and siluer, to the great honor and benefit of the whole realme: Iohn Stow. A fall of bas [...] monie & ma|king of new coines. published a proclamation on Michaelmasse euen before noone, that the teston coined for twelue pence, and in the reigne of king Edward embased by proclamation to six pence, should now foorthwith (that of the best sort marked with the port [...]uleis) be currant for foure pence halfepenie: the second mar|ked with the greihound for two pence farthing: the third and worst sort not marked as afore, not to be currant at all, nor receiued for anie value. The grote to be currant for two pence, the former péece of two pence for a penie, &c.