[1] But to leaue the further consideration of the be|nefit that may grow herof to this realme, vnto their iudgements that haue riper heads to vnderstand the same: I will procéed, and herewith make an end of this matter, concerning the siege of Leith. After that the Frenchmen were departed, and the forts a|bout Leith and Dunbar razed and demolished, accor|ding to the couenants of peace,The quéenes armie reuoke out of Scot|land. the quéenes maiestie called backe hir armie without reteining anie péece within Scotland to hir owne vse. In which honora|ble and vpright dealing, she wan more fame and esti|mation, than if she had seized and kept in hir possessi|on halfe the realme of Scotland: speciallie regar|ding the perplexed state of the people by war, which she redressed by the establishment of peace, a thing which she alwaies loued, as the contrarie she mor|tallie hated: as one hath noted of hir grace, saieng:
Virgo pacis amans, quae stat contraria bellis.