[1] [2] [3] [4] The same daie the Frenchmen of Dunbar tooke an English hoie laden with double béere, [...] English [...] taken. béefe, oxen, and s [...]itches of bacon. Saturdaie the eight of Iune, sir Iohn Neuill with three hundred men, capteine Bridges, and capteine Drurie, with other thrée hun|dred, set from Barwike towards the campe, where they arriued on mondaie the tenth of Iune, [...] quéene Dowager [...] life. on which daie the queene Dowager departed this life. The thirtéenth of Iune, sir William Cicill, principall secretarie to the queenes maiestie, and doctor Wot|ton deane of Canturburie and Yorke came to Bar|wike, appointed commissioners on hir said maiesties behalfe, to treat of an accord with the conte de Ran|don, and the bishop of Ualence, commissioners sent for that purpose from the French king, and his wife Marie queene of Scotland. [...] French [...] to their [...]. The fouretéenth of Iune being fridaie, a certeine number of Frenchmen came foorth of Leith to gather cockles on the sands towards Montpelham: which the Englishmen perceiuing, set vpon them, slue thréescore and ten, and tooke sixtéene of them prisoners.