[1] [2] [3] [4] Saturdaie the seauen and twentith of Aprill, the great artillerie was planted aloft on the hill aboue the campe,The planting [...] the great artillerie. within lesse than a curriers shot of the towne walles, and the pioners were set a worke to cast new trenches from the place where the same or|dinance was lodged vnto Montpelham, drawing so néere vnto Leith, as the harquebus might reach them that watched and warded within the gréene bul|worke. There issued out of Leith vnder the west bul|worke certeine of the Frenchmen, the which were chased into the towne by the lard of Grange and o|thers.A trench [...] from the [...]. The French kept the same daie a trench which they had made without the towne, continuallie shoo|ting at the Englishmen in the campe: but the same night the Englishmen wan that trench from them, slue diuerse of them therein, togither with their scout. And this doone, they gaue a great alarum to the towne both by land and water, the shipbotes shooting off against the towne verie hotlie, and they within the towne likewise at the Englishmen. The same night was the great ordinance planted,Great ordi|nance planted [...] dischar| [...]. and maister Markham hurt. On sundaie the eight and twentith of Aprill the said great ordinance went off, and shot continuallie the more part of that daie. The bishop of Ualence departed the same daie towards Berwike: and this night sir George Howard that had béene sent backe to Berwike, to signifie to the duke of Norffolke the state of the siege, returned with sir Richard Lee, being conducted with fiue hun|dred horssemen.