[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] During the time of this skirmish, there was great shooting off with the great ordinance on both sides, & much hurt doone as well to the English as French. This daie capteine Perith, and capteine Haies, ha|uing charge of a troope of light horssemen vnder sir Henrie Persie,Prisoners taken and slaine. and the lord of Grange were taken prisoners before Dunbar; and to the number of twentie or thirtie others were likewise taken or slaine the same time. The same night also, two thousand footmen with the pioners were sent to the other side of the towne, beyond the canon milles, where the pioners cast a trench for the safe lodging of [page 1191] the armie, which remooued the next day being fridaie, and the six and twentith of Aprill from Lesterike downe into the vallie by the said canon milles cal|led the red Braies,The armie r [...]mooueth from Leste|r [...]ke to the red Braies. néere to the riuer side on the south part of the towne of Leith. As the armie was thus remoouing from Lesterike towards the said place called the red Braies, the Frenchmen within Leith shot off manie of their great péeces of artillerie, but without dooing anie great hurt. As the armie was incamping,A skirmish, and what was doone in the same. certeine of the enimies horssemen and footmen skirmished with the English lances and light horssemen a long time; there were two French|men slaine and their horsses also. In the time of this skirmish two canons were conueied and planted in the new trench, which discharged diuerse shots at the enimies.