[1] [2] [3] Thursdaie the fiue and twentith of Aprill,The new [...] called Mont|pelham. the pio|ners laboured sore for the most part of the daie in fi|nishing the new fort named Montpelham: to the gard whereof capteine Uaughan was appointed go|uernor, with twelue hundred soldiors. This fort was raised on the south side of the towne, the plot whereof was cast square, with foure bulworks at euerie cor|ner, and tw [...]e battering peeces planted in places conuenient within the same. This thursdaie also,Another skirmish. a|bout fiue of the clocke in the after noone, there issued out of Leith on the east side seauentie or eightie horssemen, and two hundred harquebusiers, offering the skirmish, towards whome certeine of the Eng|lish light horssemen roundlie made, and charging them, droue them backe to their footmen, who with their shot receiued the light horssemen so sharplie, that they were forced to retire. In which retire Iames Hamilton a Scotishman was taken priso|ner,Iames Ha|milton taken prisoner for the rescue of whome the horssemen made for|ward againe: but the enimies shot was so hot, that they were not able to recouer him; but yet they slue two of the French horssemen in sight.