[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] This was doone with great manhood shewed by the said Uaughan and others, who entring the trench,The French|men repelled, and some of them slaineî€ repelled the enimies, and slue sixteene of them that were in the trench. Capteine Summerset and cap|teine [page 1189] Read with their bands followed them also, as they retired, and maister Arthur Greie, with certeine of his demilances, of whome he had the conduction, suddenlie came vpon them, and charging them with great courage, draue them into the towne, and made no small slaughter of them.Maister Ar|thur Greie hurt in the shoulder. In which charge master Arthur Greie was shot through the shoulder. The great artillerie in Leith was not idle, during this skirmish, discharging to the number of an hundred shot, greatlie to the annoiance of the English, and hinderance of the seruice, which else might by them haue beene atchiued. This night the Englishmen drew backe their ordinance, which the Frenchmen had cloied with nailes and wiers in the touch-holes, but the same were planted againe before daie. More|ouer, our pioners cast a new trench along by the old chappell.