[1] [2] [3] [4] The lord Claud Hamilton fourth sonne vnto the duke of Chateau le rault, Robert Douglas halfe brother to the lord Iames Steward, Archebald Campbell lord of Loughennell, George Gream second sonne to the earle of Monteith. Iames Co|ningham sonne to the earle of Glencarne: they were brought vp to salt Preston, and remained there that night. Saturdaie the sixt of Aprill, being Palmesundaie euen, the campe raised from salt Preston, and marched forwards.A crag called Arthurs s [...]at. Halfe a mile from Lesterike, beneath a crag, called Arthurs seat, the duke of Chateau le rault, the earle of Arraine, the earle of Argile, the lord Iames prior of saint An|drews, and the rest of the noble men of Scotland, accompanied with two hundred horssemen, or there|abouts, and fiue hundred footmen, staied for the com|ming of the English armie. Wherevpon the lord Greie, sir Iames Croft, the lord Scroope, sir George Howard, and sir Henrie Persie, repaired to them,Conference betwéene the English and Scotish. and had conference there with the duke, and other of the Scotish lords that were in his companie. In the meane while the armie staied: but yet at length, the [page 1188] horssemen, the vantgard and battell, were com|manded to march foorth, who accordinglie passing forward alongst by the place where the duke & Sco|tish lords stood, held vpon their waie, till they ap|proched néere to Lesterike.