[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Upon the dukes approch, they all lighted on foot,The English and Scotish gentlemen meet, embrace, and consult. as well on the one part as the other: and after cour|teous embracings, and gentle salutations, they en|tred into the house of one William Atkinson, néere to Undreske church, and sat there in councell the space of two houres, & then departed for that night. The armie laie still in campe at salt Preston, from mondaie, till saturdaie, Palmesundaie euen. On wednesdaie, the third of Aprill, my lord Greie, sir Iames Croft, and my lord Scroope, sir George Howard, sir Henrie Persie, and diuerse other cap|teins and gentlemen, rode vnto Pinkeie, a house of the abbat of Dunferns, distant a mile and a halfe from the campe, where the earle of Arraine, and the lord Iames Steward, with diuerse other noble men of Scotland méeting them, did conduct them into the said house, where they had long conference togi|ther, which ended, they went to dinner, and after din|ner, they returned with my lord lieutenant to salt Preston, and viewed the English campe. Thurs|daie the fourth of Aprill, fiue yoong gentlemen,The Scotish pledges ap|pointed to passe into England. ap|pointed to passe into England for pledges, & bound thither by sea, through contrarie winds were forced to come on land at salt Pannes. Their names were as follow.