[1] Tuesdaie the second of Aprill, my lord Greie, sir Iames Croft, my lord Scroope, sir George Ho|ward, with diuerse of the capteins,The duke of Chateau le rault and his companie. rode to Muskle|bourgh church, and there taried the comming of the duke of Chateau le rault, for the space of full two houres: at length he came accompanied with his sonne, the earle of Arraine, the earles of Argile, Glencarne, Southerland, Menteith, and Rothus, the lord Iames prior of saint Andrews, the lord Ru [...]th|uen aliàs Riuen, the lord Ogletrée, the lord Boid, the master of Maxwell, the lard of Ormeston, the master of Lindseie, the bishop of Gallowaie, the abbat of saint Colmes inch, the abbat of Culros, the lard of Pettirrow, the lard of Cunningham head, the lard of Grange, and diuerse others. They were two hun|dred horsse in traine.