[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] This saturdaie at night the armie incamping at Dunglas,Dunglasse. the horssemen lodged in sundrie villages néere about. Sir Iames Croft laie that night at Co|berspeth, in the lard of Whitlaies house. Sundaie the last of March, the armie remooued from Dunglas, and marching by Dunbar,A skirmish at Dunbar. there issued out of the towne certeine horssemen and footmen, offering a skirmish: towards whome certeine of the English lances and pistoliers, with certeine harquebutters, made forwards: but they kept themselues within their strength. Yet some of the English horssemen approched them so néere,Two horsmen & one footman slaine. that in skirmish two of the enimies horssemen, and one footman were slaine. The Englishmen receiued little damage, sauing that Peter Mince, one of their horsmen was hurt there. This doone, the armie marched on to Linton brigs, where the footmen incamped that night.Linton brigs. The horsse|men laie at Hadington, and in diuerse other small townes: and sir Iames Croft laie at Clarking|ton, west of Hadington, at the lard of Cockburns house.