[1] [2] [3] On the morrow being saturdaie, & ninth of Sep|tember, a sermon was preached by doctor Scorie, in place of doctor Grindall bishop of London, who be|ing appointed to preach that sermon, was letted by sicknesse. After the sermon, six of the lords mour|ners receiued the communion with the bishops,Six bishops receiue the communion. which bishops were in copes and surplices, onelie at the ministration of the said communion. Which be|ing finished, there was a great dinner kept in the bi|shop of Londons palace by Paules, where the mour|ners apparelled them, and so ended the solemnitie of the said exequies. The bishops had blacke gownes giuen them, and eight blacke coats a peece for their seruants, at the quéenes charges.