[1] Upon Fridaie the eight of September, was kept in Paules church of London a solemne obsequie for Henrie,An obsequie for the Frẽch king, Henrie the second, in whose time Calis was lost. the second of that name, king of France, who departed this life, about the tenth of Iulie last past, of a wound receiued the 29 of Iune, in run|ning at tilt in a solemne iusts holden at Paris, in honor of the marriage celebrated betwixt his sister the ladie Margaret of France, and Philibert duke of Sauoie. He was striken on the viser with a lance, as he ran against the counte de Montgomerie: the spilts entring by the sight of his headpéece, & persing through his eie into his head, so perished his braine, that there was no meane to saue his life.