[5] Moreouer,Commissio|ners sent a|brode for esta|blishing of
re|ligion. about the same time were commissio-appointed to visit
in euerie diocesse within the relme, for the establishment of religion,
according to the or|der appointed by act and statute, passed and confir|med
in the last parlement. For London were appoin|ted sir Richard Sackuill
knight, Robert Horne doctor of diuinitie, doctor Huic a ciuilian, and
mai|ster Sauage; who calling before them diuerse per|sons of euerie parish,
sware them to inquire and make presentment accordinglie, vpon certeine
in|iunctions drawne and deuised, for the better accom|plishment and
execution of that which they had in charge. Furthermore, about the same
time, by vertue of an act established in parlement, all such religious
houses as were againe erected and set vp, were now suppressed, as the
abbeies of Westminster, the hou|ses of the nuns and brethren of the Sion and
Shéene, the blacke friers of Gréenwich, &c. And on the twelfe of
August being saturdaie,
Religious houses sup|pressed. Images ta|ken downe and burned in the stréets.