[1] [2] [3] Sir Iohn Mason.Sir Iohn Mason knight, secretarie for the French toong, was sent ouer in post with instructions vnto the English commissioners, after whose comming, within two or thrée daies,A generall peace betwixt the kings of France and Spaine. a generall peace was con|cluded betwixt all the parties, the articles whereof not touching England, we haue of purpose omit|ted. But now after the conclusion of this peace, the said sir Iohn Mason returned in post with the same: and so therevpon, the seuenth of Aprill, the said peace was proclamed;The peace proclamed. to wit, betwixt the quéenes maiestie on the one part, and the French king on the other, their realmes, dominions, and subiects; and likewise betwixt hir said maiestie and the king Dolphin and quéene of Scots his wife, their realmes, dominions, and subiects. This proclamation was made by Gar|ter Norreie king at armes, accompanied with thrée other heralds, & fiue trumpettors: the lord maior of London & the aldermen in their scarlet gowns being also present, & riding in companie of the said heralds.