[1] And herevpon by hir maiesties commandement certeine of hir priuie councell declared this purpose to the archbishop of Yorke (being also one of the same priuie councell) & required him that he would impart the same to some of the bishops, and to make choise of eight, nine, or ten of them: and that there should be the like number named of the other part: and further also declared to him (as then was suppo|sed) what the matters should be. And as for the time, it was thought meet to be as soone as possible might be agreed vpon.The persons [...] & the [...]. And then after certeine daies past, it was signified by the said archbishop, that there was appointed by such of the bishops, to whome he had imparted this matter, eight persons, that is to saie, foure bishops, and foure doctors, who were content at the quéenes maiesties commandement to shew their opinions; and (as he termed it) render account of their faith in those matters which were mentioned, and that speciallie in writing, al|though he said they thought the same so determined, as there was no cause to dispute vpon them.