[1] [2] [3] This yéere in the Easter holidaies on the mon|daie preached at the Spittle doctor Bill,Preachers at S [...]ittle. on the tues|daie doctor Cox, & on the wednesdaie doctor Horne: the first was hir maiesties chapleine, the other two had remained at Geneua, and in other places be|yond the seas all queene Maries time. On low sundaie maister Samson made the rehearsall ser|mon: but when the lord maior and aldermen came to their places in Paules churchyard, the pulpit doore was locked,The pulpit [...] Paules [...] all [...] and [...]. & the keie could not be heard of. Wher|vpon the lord maior sent for a smith to open the locke, which was doone; and when the preacher should enter the place, it was found verie filthie and vn|cleanlie. Moreouer, the verger that had the custodie of the keie, which opened the doore of the place where the prelats and other vse to stand at the sermon time, would not open the doore; but the gentlemen with a foorme brake it open and so came in to heare the ser|mon. This disorder chanced by reason that since Christmasse last past there was not a sermon prea|ched at Paules crosse, by meanes of an inhibition sent from the councell vnto the bishop of London, that he should admit no preacher, because of the con|trouersie betwixt the bishops and other of the clergie that were now returned into the realme, from the parties of beyond the seas.