[1] [2] [3] Manie that for feare of persecution in quéene Maries daies were fled the realme,The returne of the protes|tants from exile. and liued in vo|luntarie exile, now that all persecution ceased by the gratious clemencie of this noble princesse quéene Elisabeth, they returned with all conuenient spéed home into their natiue countrie, giuing to almigh|tie God most humble thanks for that his mercifull deliuerance, in sending them a gouernor, that not onelie permitted libertie of conscience, but also was readie to aduance religion, and command frée exer|cise of common praier, preaching, and administrati|on of the sacraments, according to the right institu|tion of the primitiue churches.One set on the pillorie; and what pu|nishment the quéene by hir owne mouth appointed him. Fridaie the seauen|téenth of Februarie, one of maister Hunnings ser|uants (that was also one of the takers of fresh fish for the prouision of the queenes house) was set on the pillorie in Cheapside in the fish market ouer against the kings head, hauing a bawdrike of smelts hang|ing about his necke, with a paper on his forehead written: For buieng smelts for twelue pence the hundred, and selling them againe for ten pence the quarter. He stood so likewise on the eightéenth and the twentith daie of the same moneth, euerie one of those three daies from nine of the clocke till twelue. The last daie he should haue had one of his eares slit, [page 1182] if by great sute made to the councell by the lord ma|ior of London, he had not béene pardoned and relea|sed out of prison. This penance was assigned to him by the quéenes owne appointment, when to hir grace his trespasse was reuealed. Whereby shée gaue a tast to the people of a zealous mind to haue iustice dulie ministred, and faults accordinglie punished, namelie of those which vnder pretense of hir graces authoritie should go about to wrong and oppresse hir louing subiects.