[page 1180]23.1. The praier of queene Elisabeth as she went to hir coronation.
The praier of queene Elisabeth as she went to hir coronation.
[1] _O Lord almightie and euerlasting God, I giue thee most hartie thanks, that thou hast beene so mercifull vnto me, as to spare me to behold this ioifull daie. And I acknow|ledge that thou hast delt as woonderfullie and as mercifullie with me, as thou did|dest with thy true and faithfull seruant Daniell thy prophet; whome thou deliue|redst out of the den from the crueltie of the greedie and raging lions: euen so was I ouerwhelmed, and onlie by thee deliuered. To thee therefore onlie be thankes, honor, and praise, for euer: Amen.