[1] [2] How manie nosegaies did hir grace receiue at poore womens hands? How oftentimes staid she hir chariot, when she saw anie simple bodie offer to speake to hir grace? A branch of rosemarie giuen hir grace with a supplication by a poore woman about Fleetbridge, was séene in hir chariot till hir grace came to Westminster, not without the maruellous woondering of such as knew the presenter, and no|ted the quéens most gratious receiuing and keeping the same. What hope the poore and néedie maie looke for at hir graces hand, she as in all hir iournie conti|nuallie, so in hir hearkening to the poore children of Christs hospitall Where hir mind then was no dou [...] in heauen vpon God. with eies cast vp into heauen, did fullie declare: as that neither the wealthier estate could stand without consideration had to the pouer|tie, neither the pouertie be dulie considered, vnlesse they were remembred, as commended vnto vs by Gods owne mouth.