[1] [2] On the southside was appointed by the citie a noise of singing children, and one child richlie attired as a poet, which gaue the queenes maiestie hir farewell in the name of the whole citie by these sweet words:
As at thine entrance first, The cities farewell to the quéene going out at Temple barre.ô prince of high renowne,Thou wast presented withtoongs and hearts for thy faier:[page 1179] So now sith thou must needsdepart out of this towne,This citie sendeth theefirme hope and earnest praier.For all men hope in thee,that all vertues shall raine,For all men hope that thounone error wilt support,For all men hope that thouwilt truth restore againe,And mend that is amisse,to all good mens comfort.And for this hope they praie,thou maist continue long,Our queene amongst vs here,all vice for to supplant,And for this hope they praie,that God maie make thee strong,As by his grace puissant,So in his truth constant.Farewell ô worthie queene,and as our hope is sure,That into errors place,thou wilt now truth restore:So trust we that thou wiltour souereigne queene endure,And louing ladie stand,from hensefoorth euermore.