[1] [2] The child after he had ended his oration, kissed the paper wherein the same was written, & reached it to the quéenes maiestie, which receiued it grati|ouslie, both with words and countenance, declaring hir gratious mind toward their reliefe. From thence hir grace came to Temple bar,Temple bar [...] with Gogmagog, & [...] giants. which was dressed finelie with the two images of Gogmagog the Al|bion, & Corineus the Briton, two giants, big in sta|ture, furnished accordinglie, which held in their hands aboue the gate, a table, wherein was written in La|tine verses the effect of all the pageant which the citie before had erected, which verses were these insuing:

Ecce sub aspectu iam contemplaberis vno
(O princeps populi sola columna tui)
Quicquid in immensa passim perspexeris vrbe,Quinque arcu [...] quam significa|tionem implici|ta [...] tenean [...].
Quae cepere omnes vnus hic arcus habet.
Primus te solio regni donauit auiti,
Haeres quippe tui ver a parentis eras.
Suppressis vitijs, domina virtute. Secundus,
Firmauit sedem regia virgo tuam.
Tertius ex omni posuit te parte beatam,
Si, qua caepisti pergere velle, velis.
Quarto quid verum, respublica lapsa quid esset,
Quae florens staret te docuere tui.
Quinto magnu loco monuit te Debora missam
Coelitùs, in regni gaudia long a tui.
Perge ergo regina, tuaespes vnica gentis,
Haec postrema vrbis suscipe vota tuae.
Viue diu, regná diu, virtutibus orna
Rem patriam, & populi spem tueare tui.
Sic ô sic petitur coelum, sic itur in astra:
Hoc virtutis opus, caetera mortis erunt.