[1] [2] [3] [4] Which the quéenes maiestie most attentiuelie hearkened vnto. And when the child had pronounced, he did kisse the oration which he had there faire writ|ten in paper, and deliuered it vnto the quéenes maie|stie, which most gentlie receiued the same. And when the quéenes maiestie had heard all that was there of|fered to be spoken, then hir grace marched toward Ludgate, where she was receiued with a noise of in|struments, the fore front of the gate being finelie trimmed vp against hir maiesties comming.The quéenes maiestie con|sidered the ci|ties charge. From thence by the way as she went downe toward Fleet|bridge, one about hir grace noted the cities charge, that there was no cost spared. Hir grace answered, that she did well consider the same, and that it should be remembred. An honorable answer, worthie a no|ble prince, which may comfort all hir subiects, consi|dering that there can be no point of gentlenesse, or obedient loue shewed towards hir grace, which she doth not most tenderlie accept, and gratiouslie weie. In this maner, the people on euerie side reioising, hir grace went forward towards the conduit in Fléetstréet, where was the fift and last pageant ere|cted in forme following.