[1] [2] When the child had thus ended his spéech, he rea|ched his booke towards the quéenes maiestie, which a little before Truth had let downe vnto him from the hill, which by sir Iohn Parrat was receiued, and de|liuered vnto the quéene. But shée as soone as she had receiued the booke, kissed it,The quéene receiueth Ver|bum Dei, kis|seth it, and laieth it in hir lap. and with both hir hands held vp the same, and so laid it vpon hir brest, with great thanks to the citie therefore: and so went for|ward towards Paules churchyard. The former mat|ter which was rehearsed vnto the quéenes maiestie, was written in two tables, on either side the page|ant eight verses, and in the middest, these in Latine:
Ille, vides falcem laeua qui sustinet vncam,Tempus is est, cui stat filia vera comesHanc pater exesa deductam rupereponitIn lucem, quam non viderat antè diu.Qui sedet à laeua cultu malè tristis ineptoQuem duris crescens cautibus orbis obit,Nos monet effigie qua sit respublica, quando[...]orruit, at contra quando beata viget.Ille docet iuuenis forma spectandus, amictuScitus, & aeterna laurea fronde virens.