[1] Out at the windowes and penthouses of euerie house did hang a number of rich and costlie banners and stremers, till hir grace came to the vpper end of Cheape. Where by appointment, the right worship|full master Ranulph Cholmelie recorder of the citie, presented to the quéenes maiestie a pursse of crim|son sattin, richlie wrought with gold, wherein the ci|tie gaue vnto the quéens maiestie a thousand marks in gold,The citie gi| [...]eth a thou|sand marks to the quéene in a pursse. as master recorder did declare bréefelie vnto the quéens maiestie, whose words tended to this end; that the lord maior, his brethren, and communaltie of the citie, to declare their gladnesse and goodwill to|wards the quéenes maiestie, did present hir grace with that gold, desiring hir grace to continue their good and gratious queene, and not to esteeme the va|lue of the gift, but the mind of the giuers. The queens maiestie with both hir hands tooke the pursse, and an|swered to him againe maruellous pithilie; and so pi|thilie, that the standers by, as they imbraced intirelie hir gratious answer, so they maruelled at the cou|ching thereof, which was in words truelie reported these.The verie words of the queene vtte|red to the lord maior, &c. I thanke my lord maior, his brethren, and you all. And whereas your request is that I should conti|nue your good ladie and quéene, be yee ensured, that I will be as good vnto you, as euer quéene was to hir people. No will in me can lacke, neither doo I trust shall there lacke anie power. And persuade your selues, that for the safetie and quietnesse of you all, I will not spare (if néed be) to spend my bloud, God thanke you all. Which answer of so noble an hearted princesse, if it mooued a maruellous shout & reioising, it is nothing to be maruelled at, sith both the haltinesse thereof was so woonderfull, and the words so iointlie knit.