[1] [2] [3] Besides these, euerie void place in the pageant was furnished with sentences touching the matter and ground of the said pageant. When all that was to be said in this pageant was ended, the queenes maiestie passed on forwards in Cheapside.The standard and crosse in Cheape ador|ned and tri [...]|med. At the standard in Cheape, which was dressed faire against the time was placed a noise of trumpets, with ban|ners and other furniture. The crosse likewise was also made faire, and well trimmed. And néere vnto the same, vpon the porch of saint Peters church doore, stood the waits of the citie, which did giue a pleasant noise with their instruments, as the quéenes maie|stie did passe by, which on euerie side cast hir counte|nance, and wished well to all hir most louing people. Soone after that hir grace passed the crosse,A pageant e|rected at the little conduct in Cheape. she had e|spied the pageant erected at the little conduit in Cheape, and incontinent required to know what it might signifie. And it was told hir grace, that there was placed Time. Time, quoth she? And time hath brought me hither. And so foorth the whole matter was opened to hir grace, as hereafter shall [...]e decla|red in the description of the pageant.