[1] Upon the lowest stage was made one seat roiall, wherein were placed two personages, representing king Henrie the seuenth, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of king Edward the fourth; either of these two princes sitting vnder one cloth of estate in their seates, none otherwise diuided, but that the one of them which was king Henrie the seuenth,The vnitie of the white rose and the red. procée|ding out of the house of Lancaster, was inclosed in a red rose, and the other which was quéene Eliza|beth, being heire to the house of Yorke, inclosed with a white rose, each of them roiallie crowned, and de|centlie apparelled, as apperteineth to princes, with scepters in their hands, and one vawt surmounting their heads, wherein aptlie were placed two tables, each conteining the title of those two princes. And these personages were so set, that the one of them ioined hands with the other, with the ring of matri|monie perceiued on the finger. Out of the which two roses sprang two branches gathered into one, which were directed vpward to the second stage or degrée, wherein was placed one representing the valiant & noble prince king Henrie the eight, which sproong out of the former stocke, crowned with a crowne im|periall,Uertuous quéene Anne mother to gra|tious queéne Elizabeth. and by him sat one representing the right woorthie ladie quéene Anne, wife to the said king Henrie the eight, and mother to our most souereigne ladie quéene Elizabeth that now is, both apparelled with scepters and diadems, and other furniture due to the state of a king and quéene, and two tables sur|mounting their heads, wherein were written their names and titles.