[1] [2] The bachellers barge of the lord maiors companie, to wit, the mercers had their barge with a toist trim|med with thrée tops, and artillerie aboord, gallantlie appointed to wait vpon them, shooting off lustilie as they went, with great and pleasant melodie of in|struments, which plaied in most sweet and heauenlie maner. Hir grace shut the bridge about two of the clocke in the after noone, at the still of the ebbe, the lord maior and the rest following after hir barge, at|tending the same, till hir maiestie tooke land at the priuie staires at the tower wharfe: and then the said lord maior with the other barges returned, passing through the bridge againe with the floud, and landed at the wharfe of the thrée cranes in the Uintrie. Up|pon saturdaie, which was the fourteenth daie of Ia|unarie, in the yeare of our Lord God 1558, about two of the clocke at after noone, the most noble and christian princesse, our most dread souereigne ladie Elisabeth, by the grace of God quéene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c: mar|ched from the tower, to passe thorough the citie of London toward Westminster,The quéene passeth from the tower to [...]estminster through the [...]. richlie furnished, and most honourablie accompanied, as well with gentle|men, barons, and other the nobilitie of this realme, as also with a notable traine of goodlie and beauti|full ladies, richlie appointed.