[1] Moreouer in this yeare 1558 there died two of the said emperors sisters,The deceasse of the queene of France. that went with him into Spaine, after he had resigned the empire, to wit, queene Leonor, first maried vnto Emanuell king of Portugall, and after his deceasse vnto the French king Francis the first of that name: she deceassed in Februarie last past. His other sister Marie, quéene of Hungarie, late regent of the low countries,The deceasse of the quéene of Hungarie. de|ceassed on saint Lukes daie, the eightéenth of Octo|ber last past. And so the one preuenting him, the other [page 1172] taried not long after him, in so much that king Phi|lip did celebrate the exequies in the towne of Brus|sels, of his father the emperour, of his aunt Marie queene of Hungarie, and of his wife Marie quéene of England, in this present moneth of December subsequentlie, after the most pompous and solemne manner.