[1] [2] The thirtéenth of December being tuesdaie,Quéene Ma|rie buried. the corps of quéene Marie was right honorablie con|ueied from hir manor of S. Iames, vnto the abbeie of Westminster. Hir picture was laid on the coffin, apparelled in hir roiall robes, with a crowne of gold set on the head thereof, after a solemne manner. In the abbeie was a rich and sumptuous hearse prepa|red and set vp with wax, and richlie decked with pe|no [...]s, baners, and scutchions, of the armes of Eng|land and France, vnder which hearse the corpse rested all that night, and the next daie it was brought into the new chappell, where king Henrie the seuenth li|eth, and was interred there in the chappell on the north side.