[1] [2] On mondaie the eight and twentith of Nouem|ber, about two of the clocke in the afternoone, hir grace remooued againe, and taking hir chariot, rode from my lord Norths house alongst Barbican,Hir grace re|moueth to the tower. and entring by Criplegate into the citie, kept along the wall to Bishops gate, and so by blanch Chapelton vnto Marke lane. At hir entring into blanch Cha|pleton, the artillerie in the tower began to go off, con|tinuallie shooting for the space almost of halfe an houre, but yet had made an end before hir maiestie was aduanced to Berkin church, and so with great ioie and prease of people, of whom all the streets were full as she passed, declaring their inward reioisings by gesture, words, and countenance, she entered the tower, where she continued till the fift of December being mondaie,Hir remouing to Summer|set house. on the which daie, she remooued by water vnto Summerset place in the Strond, where she arriued about ten of the clocke in the forenoone the same daie.