[1] When true knowledge was had that quéene Ma|rie was deceased, who left hir life in this world the seuentéenth daie of Nouember, as is before menti|oned in the latter end of hir historie: in the time of a parlement,The resoluti| [...]n of the lords [...] declare la| [...] Elisabeth [...]. the lords that were assembled in the vp|per house, being resolued according to the lawes of the land, to declare the ladie Elisabeth sister to the said quéene to be verie true and lawfull heire to the crowne of England, sent immediatlie to the spea|ker of the parlement, willing him with the knights and burgesses of the neather house, without delaie to repaire vnto them into the vpper house, for their assents in a case of great importance. Who being come thither, after silence made (as the maner is) the archbishop of Yorke chancellor of England, whose name was Nicholas Heth, doctor in diuinitie, stood vp and pronounced in effect these words follow|ing.