22.1. The cardinals of England collected by Francis Thin, in the yeare of our Lord, 1585.

The cardinals of England collected by Francis Thin, in the yeare of our Lord, 1585.

_THis cardinall Poole being the last cardi|dinall in England, and so likelie to be, as the state of our present time dooth ear|nestlie wish; dooth here offer occasion to treat of all such Englishmen as haue possessed that honor. Which I onelie doo, for that I would haue all whatsoeuer monuments of antiquitie pre|serued, least Pereat memoria eorum cum sonitu. Where|fore thus I begin.

Adrian the fourth of that name bishop of Rome (called before that time Nicholas Breakespeare) being borne in England about saint Albons (whome Onuphrius affirmeth to be borne in the towne of Malmesberie, in the dominions of saint Albons,Adrian the fourth pope [...] Rome. Will. Paruus lib. 2. cap. 26. Onuphrius. Matt. Parker. Ranulph Hig|den. in the dioces of Bath, somewhat like a stranger mis|taking the names of places and persons, as he often dooth) was for the pouertie of his father (who after be|came a moonke in saint Albons) not able to be main|teined here at learning. Wherevpon he goeth into Prouince to the monasterie of saint Rufus, whereof in time he was made a canon, and after abbat of that house; but in the end misliked of the couent, they appealed him to Rome before Eugenius the third then pope: who for that time pacifieng the mat|ter betwéene them, they did after fall at variance a|gaine, and so called him before the pope the second time. Eugenius séeing these continuall bralles, wearie to heare them, and fauoring this Nicholas, made them choose an other abbat, and appointed Ni|cholas to the bishoprike of Alba, and to the honor of a cardinall, sending him legat into Denmarke and Norweie: where he remained some yeares. But at length returning to Rome after the death of Euge|nius and his successor Anastasius, this Nicholas was aduanced from a cardinall to a pope, and called Adrian the fourth. Who died in the fift yeare of Henrie the second king of England, in the yeare of Christ 1159.

Bosa, an Englishman and cardinall,Bosa. Matt. Parker. Onuphriu [...]. was not that Bosa which was bishop of Yorke, of whome Beda maketh mention, lib. 4. cap. 13. and cap. 23. of his ecclesiasticall historie, where he saith that the same Bosa was made bishop of the same see, in the yeare of Christ 678. And therefore being long be|fore this Bosa, our cardinall could not be the same man, as some vnconsideratlie haue stiflie maintei|ned. For this our Bosa was a cardinall deacon, and the nephue to pope Adrian the fourth before na|med; and intituted a deacon cardinall of the title of Cosma and Damian, in the yeare of Christ 1155, being after made a priest cardinall of the title of saint Prudentian, by pope Alexander the third, in the yeare of Christ 1163, before which he was cham|berleine to the church of Rome, being created to the first cardinalship and office of chamberleine by his vncle the said pope Adrian the fourth.

[1] Robert Curson,Robert Cur|son. Matt. Parker. Matt. Paris. Matt. West. Holinshed. a man excellentlie learned both in diuine & humane letters, comming from Rome, grew in such estimation, that in the end he became a cardinall, of whom we find recorded in this sort. At the taking of Dameta in Egypt, there was with Pelagius the popes legat, maister Robert Curson an Englishman a most famous clearke, borne of a noble house, and cardinall of the church of Rome.

Stephan Langhton made priest cardinall,Stephan Langhton. Matt. Parker. Matt. Paris. Holinshed. Onuphrius. in the yeare of Christ 1213, and the sixtéenth yeare of pope Innocent the third, of the title of saint Chrysogon, was archbishop of Canturburie, for whose cause and contention betwéene king Iohn and him, the realme [page 1166] of England was long interdicted, the nobilitie was slaine, the king deposed, his kingdome made feo|darie to Rome, and Pandolph the cardinall sent hi|ther to receiue the crowne of K. Iohn. This Stephan departed the world, in the twelfe yeare of Henrie the third, and in the yeare of our redemption 1238.

Robert Somercot a cardinall, a man well estee|med for his vertue and learning,Robert So|mercot. [...]. a graue writer, and well beloued of all men, departed from the vanities of this life, in the yeare of our saluation 1241, being the fiue and twentith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the third.

Anch [...]rus citizen and archdeacon of London, was made priest cardinall of the title of saint Praxidis,Anch [...]rus. [...]. by pope Urban the second, in the yéere that the world became flesh 1262, and the yeare of the long reigne of king Henrie the third, the foure and fortith.

Robert de Kilwarbie. [...] Parker. [...].Robert de Kilwarbie, whome Onuphrius calleth Robert Biliberie frier preacher, doctor of diuini|tie was remoued from the archbishoprike of Can|turburie to be bishop of Portua, and afterward was made cardinall of saint Rufinian by pope Nicholas the third, in the yeare of Christ as some saie 1277, and as others haue 1278, or 1273: being a|about the first yeare of Edward the first of that name king of England; who died vnder the same pope Nicholas, in the yeare of Christ 1280, as hath Onuphrius.

Barnard de Anguiscelle. Matt. Parker. Barnard de Anguiscelle was remooued from the archbishoprike of Arras, and made bishop of Por|tua and cardinall of saint Rufinian, being a bishop cardinall, and aduanced to that principalitie by pope Martine the fourth of that name, in the yeare of our redemption 1291, being about the nintéenth yeare of the said Edward the first: whome Onuphrius much mistaking himselfe maketh a Frenchman: and Matthew Parker rightlie setteth him downe as an Englishman.

Hugh Attrat. [...].Hugh Attrat priest cardinall, of the title of saint Laurence in Lucina was created cardinall by pope Martine the fourth, in the yéere of our Lord 1281: he was also called Hugh of Euesham, and di|ed at Rome in the yeere of Christ 1287, whilest the sée was vacant, being about the fifteenth yeere of Ed|ward the first.

Bernard. Matthew [...]. Berard or rather Bernard a cardinall of Pre|stina was aduanced to the dignitie of a cardinall by Nicholas the fourth of that name bishop of Rome in the yéere (as I suppose) 1298, though some saie in the yéere 1288, the error whereof I gather to be in the printer.

Leonard Guercine. [...].Leonard Guercine bishop, cardinall of Alba was receiued to the scarlet hat and robe by pope Bo|nifacius the eight, in the yéere of Christ 1300, being the eight and twentith of Edward the first.

William one of the order of the frier preachers doctor of diuinitie in Oxford, priest cardinall of the title of saint Sabina, to which place he was adopted by pope Benedict the eleuenth, in the yéere 1303, be|ing the one and thirtith yeere of Edward the first, in which yeere he died in England.

Walter Win|terborne. [...].Walter Winterborne (that came in place of William last before named) doctor of diuinitie of the order of frier preachers, confessor to Edward the first, and priest cardinall of the title of saint Sabi|na, was by the said Benedict the eleuenth admit|ted to the college of cardinals in the yeare of Christ 1304, being the one and thirtith yeere of Edward the first, which Walter small time inioied that place. For going with other cardinals into France, & so in|to Italie, he died at Genoa or Gene, whose bodie be|ing carried into England, was buried in the church of the frier preachers in the yeere of Christ 1305, be|ing the three and thirtith yeere of Edward the first.

Thomas Iorze a frier preacher doctor of diuini|tie of Oxford, confessor to Edward the first,Thomas Iorze. Wal [...]ingham. Nic. Triuet. Matthew Parker. Onuphrius. priest cardinall of the title of saint Sabina was created by pope Clement the fift in the yeere of Christ 1305, be|ing the three and thirtith yéere of Edward the first, or (as saith Walsingham) a little before Christmasse in the yéere of Christ 1306, who by him is also named Iorza. This man (as hath Onuphrius) died in the iorneie he made as ambassador into Italie to Hen|rie the seuenth of that name emperour in the yéere 1311, & the seuenth yeere of the popedome of Cle|ment the fift, who sent him in that ambassage: his bodie was carried into England, and buried at Ox|ford in a monasterie of the frier preachers.

Simon Langham abbat of Westminster,Simon Langham. trea|suror of England, bishop of Elie and of Canturbu|rie, and chancellor of England, was elected to the honor of the purple hat and cardinall dignitie, in the yéere of our redemption 1368, being the two and fortith yéere of king Edward the third. And here be|cause I would not set it downe in a distinct place, as receiuing it for truth, sith by search I find it not so, what authoritie soeuer they that wrote the same had to lead them to it: I will note an ouersight passed the fingers of Fabian, Holinshed, and Grafton, all writers of our age, who affirme that the bishop of Winchester, in the fiue and fortith yéere of king Ed|ward the third, being a cardinall (for so I gather by the words and circumstance of the storie) with the bi|shop of Beauois likewise a cardinall, were put in commission by pope Gregorie the eleuenth to treat betwixt the king of England and France. But be|cause I can not find in Onuphrius nor in Matthew Parker anie such cardinall set downe, I doo not at this time imbrace it, vntill I maie find better proofe thereof than the authoritie of Grafton, Fabian, and those before named; especiallie sith that he which was then bishop of Winchester in the said fiue and fortith yéere of Edward the third, and all they which were bishops of Winchester from the first yeare of the reigne of Edward the third, vntill the yeare of Christ 1404, in which Henrie Beaufort was bishop of Winchester, were neuer cardinals: the said bishops in orderlie succession thus named: Adam Orletie, William de Edington, William Wickham, and then Henrie Beaufort, who was a cardinall. But these writers mistaking perchance the yeare of the king, and the name of the bishops sée, in the fiue and fortith yeare of Edward the third (in which yeare Iohn Thorsbie was cardinall as after followeth) haue (in setting downe Winchester for Worcester committed a fault) so easie it is for the printer or anie other to misplace and misname the one bishoprike for the other.

Iohn Thorsbie bishop of saint Dauids in Wales chancellor of England, bishop of Worcester,Iohn Thors|bie. Holinshed and other authors. and af|ter bishop of Yorke, was made cardinall by Urban the fift then bishop of Rome (as I suppose) before the fiue and fortith yeare of Edward the third. This man surrendred his life in the yeare of our redemp|tion 1374, being the eight and fortith yeare of king Edward the third.

Adam priest cardinall of the title of saint Cici|lia, was inuested with the dignitie of a scarlet hat in the yeare of our redemption 1378,Adam. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Holinshed. about the first yeare of Richard the second. Holinshed mentioneth one Adam Eston to be a cardinall, who (considering the time when he liued) must néeds be this man, of whome he writeth in this sort. Adam Eston well séene in all the toongs, was made a cardinall by pope Gregorie the eleuenth, but by pope Urban the si [...]t he was committed to prison in Genoa (in the yeare of our redemption 1383, being about the sea|uenth yeare of Richard the second) and by contem|plation [page 1167] of the said king Richard, was taken out of prison, but not fullie deliuered, vntill the daies of Boniface the ninth, who (in the yeare of our redemp|tion 1389, about the thirteenth yeare of Richard the second) restored the said Adam to his former dig|nitie: all which Holinshed speaketh of him amongst the writers of England, except the yeares of the Lord which I haue added out of Onuphrius, and the yeares of the king which I haue ioined of my selfe. Which Onuphrius maketh this Adam to be bishop of London, and to die in Rome the third calends of Maie, in the yéere of our sauior 1397, being the one and twentith of Richard the second, vnder Boniface the ninth pope of that name, and was buried in the place whereof he was intituled to the honor of a car|dinall.

Philip de Repindone. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Philip de Repindone bishop of Lincolne and doc|tor of diuinitie, was by pope Gregorie the twelfe, then bishop of Rome, in the yeare of Christ 1408, be|ing the tenth yeare of king Henrie the fourth created cardinall of the title of saint Nereus and A|chilleus.

Thomas. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Liber Dunel. Thomas bishop of Durham was made (as saith Onuphrius, in the yeare of our redemption 1411 by Iohn the two and twentith, commonlie called Iohn the thrée and twentith) priest cardinall. Touching which matter there is no mention made in the life of Thomas Langleie bishop of Durham, and liuing at this time that this Langleie was a cardinall: for this Thomas Langleie was made bishop of Dur|ham in the yeare of our Lord 1406, and continued in that see one and thirtie yeares, departing the world 1437, and so the creation of this Thomas bishop of Durham mentioned by Onuphrius and Matthew Parker bishop of Canturburie, in the yeare of Christ 1411 must néedes fall in the life of this Thomas Langleie bishop of Durham.

Robert. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Robert bishop of Salisburie priest cardinall (al|though it be not shewed of what title) was preferred to that place by pope Iohn the thrée and twentith in the yeare of our redemption 1411, being about the twelfe yere of the reigne of king Henrie the fourth, of whom Onuphrius writeth in this sort: Roberti epis|copi Sarisburiensis presbyteri cardinalis, & Egidij de campis presbyteri cardinalis gesta & exitus, quòd nunquam Roma|nam curiam adierint, incerti & obscuri omninò sunt. Satis ta|men constat, eos ante papae Martini electionem mortuos fuisse.

Henrie Beaufort.Henrie Beaufort, sonne vnto Iohn of Gant and Katharine Swineford, being bishop of Winchester and chancellor of England, tooke the state of a cardi|nall (of the title of saint Eusebius) at Calis, being absent (as hath Matthew Parker) in the yeare of our redemption 1426: in the fift yeare of king Henrie the sixt. He was called the rich cardinall of Winche|ster, being aduanced to that honor by Martine the third, commonlie called Martine the fift then pope of Rome. This Henrie died vnder pope Nicholas the fift in the yeare of Christ 1447: being about the six & twentith yeare of the miserable reigne of king Henrie the sixt.

Iohn Staf|ford. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Iohn Stafford bishop of Bash and Welles chan|cellor of England, after bishop of Canturburie, was created priest cardinall by Eugenius then bishop of Rome, in the yeare that the word became flesh 1434: being the twelfe yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the sixt.

Iohn Kempe. Holinshed. Polydor. Onuphrius. Iohn Kempe bishop of London, twise lord chan|cellour of England, bishop of Yorke, and after that archbishop of Canturburie, was by Eugenius the fourth then archbishop of Rome, made cardinall of the title of saint Sabina, as saith Holinshed, o|therwise by Onuphrius called Balbina: contrarie to Polydor, who in his thrée and twentith booke of the historie of England, affirmeth him to be cardinali|ted by pope Nicholas the fift. He died (as saith Onu|phrius) in the yeare that the godhead was vnited to the manhood, to wit, one thousand fiue hundred fiftie and foure, vnder pope Nicholas the first, which yeare of our Lord met with the fiue and thirtith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the sixt.

Thomas Bourcher (borne of the noble house of the earles of Essex, being chancellor of England,Thomas Bourcher. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Holinshed. Polydor. bishop of Worcester, from thence remooued to E|lie, from that Ile aduanced to the metropolitan sée of Canturburie, and priest cardinall of the title of saint Siriacus in Thermis or the Baths) was hono|red with the scarlet hat and siluer pillers, by pope Paule the second of that name, in the yeare that the second person in trinitie tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant, one thousand foure hundred sixtie & fiue, being the fift yeare of the reigne of the noble prince king Edward the fourth.

Iohn Morton bishop of Elie chancellor of Eng|land & archbishop of Canturburie,Iohn Mor|ton. Onuphrius. Matthew Parker. Polydor. Holinshed. being priest car|dinall of the title of saint Anastasius, was honored with a scarlet hat by Alexander the sixt of that name (then gouernour of the seat of Peter at Rome) in the yeare from the birth of Christ 1493, being the ninth yeare of the Salomon of England king Hen|rie the seauenth. He died as saith Onuphrius, in the yeare of our Lord one thousand and fiue hundred, be|ing about the eight yeare of Alexander the sixt still pope of Rome, and the sixteenth yeare of the said Henrie the seauenth then king of England.

Christopher Bembridge a gentleman borne, was archbishop of Yorke,Christopher Bembridge. Matthew Parker. Onuphrius. & priest cardinall of the title of S. Praxidis, was aduanced to that scarlet dignitie by pope Iulius the second, in the yere that the virgin was deliuered of our sauiour one thousand fiue hun|dred & eleuen, being the third yeare of the triumphant reigne of king Henrie the eight. He died at Rome, (as saith Onuphrius) by poison, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and thirtéene yeares (be|ing the eleuenth yeare, when Leo the tenth did hold the sterne of the Romane bishoprike, & the fift yeare when the said Henrie the eight did rule the scepter of England) and was buried at Rome in the church of the holie trinitie of the English nation.

Thomas Wolseie the kings almoner,Thomas Wolseie. deane of Yorke, abbat of saint Albons, and of saint Austins, bishop of Lincolne, Winchester, and Yorke, chan|cellour of England: all which or all saue two he held at one time in his owne hands, was made priest car|dinall of the title of saint Cicilie, wherevnto he was promoted by pope Leo the tenth, in the yeare of our redemption one thousand fiue hundred and fifteene, being the seauenth yéere of the reigne of the famous king Henrie the eight, of whome Onuphrius some|what mistaking the pronuntiation of his name thus writeth: Thomas Wlcer ex oppido Sufforth diocessis Nordu|censis, &c: wherein like a stranger to our countrimen he mistaketh both name, towne, place, and the pro|uince of Suffolke for the towne of Ipswich. For this cardinall Wolseie being descended of meane paren|tage, was borne in the towne of Gipswich now cal|led Ipswich in the prouince or countrie of Suffolke in the diocesse of the bishoprike of Norwich.

Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester priest cardinall of the title of saint Uitalis,Iohn Fisher. was (although he neuer came at Rome, nor for anie thing that I can learne was euer out of England) created cardinall at Rome, by Paule the third of that name, then wea|ring the triple crowned miter, and being bishop of Rome. But this Fisher neuer ware his scarlet hat: for after this high dignitie and before he might couer his priestlie crowne with the same, he lost his head, in the yeare from which the angels sang at the birth of the Messias one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and [page 1168] fiue, being the seauen and twentith of the reigne of that king Henrie the eight, which deliuered his king|dome from all subiection to the bishop of Rome Cle|ment the seauenth of that name.

Reginald Poole.Reginald Poole, noblie borne, & yoong sonne to sir Richard Poole knight of the garter, by his wife Mar|garet countesse of Salisburie, daughter to George duke of Clarence brother to K. Edward the fourth, was made deacon cardinall of the title of saint Ma|rie in Cosmeden, by pope Paule the third of that name, in the yeare that the mother of God brought foorth the sonne of man 1536, being the eight and twentith yeare of king Henrie the eight. This man legat of pope Iulius the third, comming into Eng|land in the yeare of our Lord 1554, being the second yeare of quéene Maries reigne, was after made bi|shop of Canturburie, on the fiue and twentith of March, in the yeare of Christ 1556, being the third yeare of the reigne of the said quéene Marie, and died the seauentéenth daie of Nouember, in the yeare of Christ 1558, being the last daie of the reigne of the said quéene Marie, or rather the next daie erlie in the morning, at his house at Lambeth, and was honora|blie conueied to Canturburie, where he was buried. This man was the last English cardinall that liued and inioied that title of honour in England. For al|though the English cardinall which followeth were created after him, yet I suppose that he died much be|fore him: but he liued not in England at the same time that cardinall Poole died, as farre as I can lerne. Wherfore I still make this cardinall Poole the last English cardinall that was liuing in England.

Peter Peto.Peter Peto, borne of an ancient familie, and one of the order of the frier minors obseruants (whome Onuphrius calleth Angliae legatus) was created car|dinall by Paule the fourth of that name, chéefe bi|shop of Rome, in the yeare that the word became flesh 1557, being the fift yeare of quéene Marie. Besides this number of thirtie cardinals, there haue been manie other to the number of ten or more, before the time that pope Innocent the first of that name did weald the charge of the Romane bishop|rike, as Matthew Parker late bishop of Canturburie a worthie antiquarie dooth witnesse, and I my selfe haue obserued, besides those which Onuphrius and the said Matthew Parker (in the Latine booke of the arch|bishops of his owne sée) haue recited. But bicause neither they nor I haue yet atteined to their names, we must and doo omit them: and yet it may be that these thrée which follow, named by Onuphrius being English names, were Englishmen, and part of the said number of ten cardinals, whose names we doo not know, which thrée cardinals were Hugh Foliot, Peter Mortimer, and Simon Braie. But bicause I cannot certeinlie gather out of Onuphrius that they were Englishmen, I dare not presume so to make them; though in mine owne conceit I verelie suppose that they were borne in England: for in vncerteine matters I dare not set downe anie certeintie.

Wherefore to set end to this cardinals discourse, I will knit vp this matter with one onelie note drawne out of Matthew Parkers beforenamed booke of the liues of the bishops of Canturburie, which is as followeth: That this number and remembrance of our cardinals is not so wonderfull as is that com|putation of the Romane bishops, which pope Iohn the two and twentith of that name hath gathered of his predecessors. For he doth recite that out of the or|der of saint Benet or Benedict (whereof himselfe was) there haue issued foure and twentie popes, 183 cardinals, 1464 archbishops, 3502 bishops, and abbats innumerable. Thus concluding (that of all these our English cardinals, with the description of their liues, I will more largelie intreat in my booke intituled the Pantogrophie of England, conteining the vniuersall description of all memorable places and persons, aswell temporall as spirituall) I request the reader to take this in good part, till that booke may come to light. Thus much Francis Thin, who with the whéele of George Ripleie canon of Brid|lington, after the order of circulation in alchimicall art, and by a geometricall circle in naturall philoso|phie dooth end this cardinals discourse, resting in the centre of Reginald Poole, the last liuing cardinall in England, by whose death the said Francis tooke occasi|on to pase about the circumference of this matter of the cardinals of this realme.]