Stephan Gardiner bishop of Winchester, sur|mising the ladie Katharine baronesse of Willough|bie and Cresbie, and duchesse Dowager of Suffolke, to be one of his ancient enimies, because he knew he had deserued no better of hir, deuised in the hol [...]e time of the first Lent in quéen Maries reigne, a holie practise of reuenge, first by touching hir in the per|son of hir husband maister Richard Bertie esquier, for whome he sent an attachment (hauing the great scale at his deuotion) to the shiriffe of Lincolnshire, with a speciall letter,Maister Richard Bertie hus|band to the dut|chesse, atta|ched by the bishop of Winchester. comanding most strictlie the same shiriffe to attach the said Richard immediatlie, and without baile to bring him vp to London to his great lordship. Maister Bertie hir husband being cleare in conscience, and frée from offense towards the quéene, could not coniecture anie cause of this strange processe, vnlesse it were some quarrell for religion, which he thought could not be so sore as the processe pretended.