[1] But now before I proceed anie further in the hi|storie of quéene Marie, who was now receiued and proclamed quéene, as then to succeed hir brother, I will speake somewhat of the learned men that wrote & published anie pamphlets or treatises in his daies,Learned [...] that wrote [...] the reigne of king Ed|ward. as in deed there were manie: but for that the more part of them died in quéene Maries time, or in the quéenes maiesties time that now is, or else are yet liuing, I doo omit those here, meaning to speake of them hereafter, if God shall permit, as occasion maie serue. For the residue that ended their liues in this kings daies, these I find: Dauid Clapham a lawyer and well séene in the Latine toong, wrote sundrie treatises; Robert Talbot a prebendarie of Norwich, verie skilfull in antiquities; Edward Hall a counsellor in the common law, but excellent|lie séene in histories, wrote a notable chronicle of the vnion of the two houses of Yorke & Lancaster.